Request for Office Space

Request for Office Space

We would love to hear from you! Please fill out this form and we will get in touch with you shortly.

"*" indicates required fields

MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please provide us with your email address. By checking of the YES box below, you are authorizing the FTZ9 to email you with updates and important FTZ9 notices. Your email address will be kept confidential and will not be shared with anyone. You may opt out of the feature at any time by notifying the FTZ9
I authorize FTZ9 to email me important notices and updates relating to FTZ9.
Have you used the FTZ9 in the past?
Do you store foreign merchandise in the FTZ9?
Do you export foreign merchandise from the FTZ9?
Please estimate the average duty of the foreign merchandise you plan to import.
Broker's name (if known)
Location of latest leased/rented address
Landlord's Name
A tax clearance certificate from the State Department of Taxation may be required, and you shall submit an insurance certificate of general commercial liability.

By clicking the “Submit” button below the applicant acknowledges that credit checks may be made on the company and the principals and hereby consents to same. The applicant understands that the Foreign-Trade Zone leases office space to firms that use the Zone warehouse to store commercial quantities of bonded cargo and that the Zone Management reviews the use of the Zone by its tenants before renewing leases. We further understand that should the nature of our business change, or should our firm fail to utilize the FTZ benefits of customs duty avoidance and/or postponement, our lease may not be renewed
Submitted By:*

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